Tuesday, January 15, 2008

I didn't forget...

Congratulations to the following WLG Members for their winnings!

December 30 Winner:
January 6 Winner:
Way to go! You guys are doing great!

Don't forget - we did not weigh in on Sunday the 13th. All winnings from that day will go to the winner on 1/20. You can double your money, if you have a great week. Also, feel free to tell your friends about our game. You can get in at any time and it is a simple motivational tool for those wanting to shed a few extra pounds.

If you have not given me your goal for this session, please email me. Our session goes through 2/24 and one of our prizes has to do with your current weight in relation to your goal. When you email me your goal, please note if it is your overall goal or just for this session.

I will not be weighing everyone on Sunday (I will be out of town), so unless you are opposed, I am asking one of our players to weigh-in. If you do not want someone else to weigh you, I will gladly find you when I get into town and get your weight. Thanks!

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