Thursday, August 30, 2007

The winner is...

She is our three-peat winner! She wins $36 this week!

We had 9 people weigh in last night, which was great. Remember - $9 went to the overall pot, which is to be awarded in November. I have asked Jim to put our game in the weekly Heritage emails. If you know of anyone who even MIGHT be interested in joining us, please tell them about our game! TELL YOUR FRIENDS!!!

Monday, August 27, 2007

First Weigh-In for the Fall

Wednesday night is our first weigh-in for the Fall Session! Remember, bring yourself, $5 (one dollar bills, if you have any laying around) and an attitude to win!

Also, don't forget, we are weighing Wednesday the 29th, but will skip the following Wednesday. We will have our next weigh-in after that on 9/9, immediately following second service. We will then weigh on Sundays from there until the Sunday right before Thanksgiving!

If you are new to our game and want more information than what you see here, put a comment on the page and I will get the HCCWLG flier out to you ASAP!


Friday, August 24, 2007

The winner for our last summer weigh-in is...

Yea! Way to go, Mary!

We have now ended our summer commitment. If you still owe money for the summer, please get it to me by Sunday! I cannot pay Mary until everyone pays me. If you don't know if you owe, please let me know! (I am a poet and I know it.)

I have NEW exciting news about the Fall Session. For those of you who were there on Wednesday, you received a handout for the session. I HAVE MADE ONE CHANGE...READ CAREFULLY!

After much discussion and consideration, we are changing our weekly weigh-in day. We will weigh-in normally on 8/29 (the first of the Fall Session). We will then skip to SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, immediately following our second worship service. We will then continue to weigh on Sundays, rather than Wednesdays. Also, we will end our Fall Session on Sunday, November 18, which is the Sunday just prior to Thanksgiving. This change is to help accomodate the weird schedules we all have - whether it be kids in sports or work schedules. I hope this allows more of you to stay in the program. Also, this will keep some of us from being so hungry on Wednesdays!!! :-)

PLEASE - invite your friends.

I will have more paper handouts next week for you to share with your friends. I have also contacted the Do-iters, which meet on Wednesday nights before church and invited them to join us. Based on some of your responses, I am thinking of putting it in the bulletin for next week. THE MORE THE MERRIER!

Thursday, August 16, 2007


Congrats, Tonya!
You won $80 this week
and lost another 6.1 pounds!!

For the rest of week is our LAST weigh-in of the summer commitment. Please don't miss it!! I will have a handout on what the fall session will be like and I hope you guys seriously think about staying in, if you haven't reached your goal. Some of you feel like you are just contributing money to the pot. You feel this way because you say "I didn't try this week" or "I just don't have the will power." NO MORE EXCUSES. Don't waste another moment of your life feeling self-conscious or having less energy. I will tell you this...the week I won, it was GREAT to have an extra $80 in my pocket!

So, when we all weigh-in next week, please try and stick around for a few moments. We will announce the biggest "losers" of the summer and they will get a special prize from me!

Friday, August 10, 2007


Congratulations, Mistee!
Mistee won for the week of 8/8, but it isn't too late to count yourself in to win next week! We have two more weigh-ins left for this session and two more opportunities to take home $80.

Helpful hints, especially from Tami to my Heritage Hotties:

1. Drink your water! I keep a jug in my fridge that I refill everyday. I know I have had all of my water when it is empty.

2. Lay off the Diet Coke. Diet Coke (or any soda) will make you more thirsty, and if you are like most, you will reach for another Diet Coke! Try subbing with the 5 calorie Light Minute Maid Lemonade (in the can). They are delicious and a lot better for you than a canned soda.

3. Don't overhaul yourself in one week. It won't stick. Try changing one thing a week and adjusting slowly. For example: The first week, drink all of your water. The second week, drink all of your water and take your vitamins. The third week, water, vitamins, eliminate one trip to Sonic. Keep going every week with one new change, and before you know it, you will see your life change.

4. Forget about fad diets. Create your own program using tools from the diets that you have had success on in the past. Do something you can stick with and don't completely deprive yourself of the things you love.

5. PORTION CONTROL. If you go to Chili's and you want that high calorie pasta, get it and box up half of it before you start eating. Eat the rest at your next meal or for lunch the next day. That way, you get your craving satisfied and your split the calorie/fat intake in half. Most restaurant portions are entirely too big for one person anyway. I don't know about you, but my eyes get bigger than my stomach and I hate leaving delicious food on my plate. This way, I am not leaving food and I don't have to cook the next day!!

It is hard to change your life. Think about the people around you and how much better you will feel if you lost those extra pounds that bug you. You will have a better disposition and you will feel like you have accomplished something. If you need me, don't hesitate to call me. I am here to help you, even if it is just to listen to your heartaches about the last week's results!

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Winner for August 1

Congratulations, Pam!

You are our very first repeat winner!

Check back tomorrow for results from last week and this week! It was a really close race this week. We only have three more weigh-ins for this session and then we will begin our new fall session with some changes to our program. We will have another incentive to win! Check back in the next couple of weeks for more details.

Update of stats...

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Weigh-in For August 1

We will weigh-in tonight at 8:30 (after VBS). I will probably arrive at 8:15 to set up, so you may come in anytime after I get there. I know of one of you who will not be there tonight, but I believe everyone else should be around. If you are not planning to be there, please let me know.

ALSO, don't forget - if you miss a week, you still have to pay!