Thursday, August 30, 2007

The winner is...

She is our three-peat winner! She wins $36 this week!

We had 9 people weigh in last night, which was great. Remember - $9 went to the overall pot, which is to be awarded in November. I have asked Jim to put our game in the weekly Heritage emails. If you know of anyone who even MIGHT be interested in joining us, please tell them about our game! TELL YOUR FRIENDS!!!


T-N-T said...


You should treat yourself to some ice cream, cokes, pizza, fajitas, cinnamon rolls, slurpees, frosting from the can, a squirt of whip cream straight into your mouth, and a whole bag of M&Ms. :)

Just kidding...great job!

PB said...

What do you think I had for dinner at 9:00pm after weigh-in? Pizza and cookies.

Tami said...

Great job, Pam!

Laurie said...

Way to go Pam!!! I am really looking forward to this next session! I neeed all the help I can get this time of the year!!