Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Meeting Update for July 11

Hi everyone! Hope you are doing well this week! We will meet in the parlor tomorrow night at 8:35 or as soon as church is over. They are showing the movie "Paper Clips" and it promises to be a great night! Please let me know if you are not planning to weigh. REMEMBER - this is a commitment! If you don't weigh, you still pay. I look forward to seeing you all tomorrow night!


Jennifer said...

Is it just me or has anyone else had a rough week? I've had major snack attacks (thanks to Aunt Flo's visit) and I'm sure I've gained every pound I lost back. Maybe we should change the rule to- if you gain you need to pay an additional $5. That may motivate me. I've done good since yesterday but the previous 5 were horrible. We shall see........

Tami said...

I had dental surgery on Friday and expected it to be easy going while I was not wanting to eat in the first days of recovery. Unfortunately, everything mushy I wanted to eat was high in fat and calories!! I think I still did okay for the week, but I could have done better! I guess we will see tonight!